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Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 Multifamily Technology Issue

Each year in mid-March MFE presents a round-up of the latest technology initiatives that have made an impact over the past 12 months. We also take time to look ahead at trends that will shape the landscape in the year ahead. 
Another feature of this edition are the vendor interviews. In these full page profiles, key executives from the industry's leading service providers are able to give their perspective on how owners and operators can optimize productivity. 
If you are a purveyor of a technology solution, mobile application, or just want to weigh in on how your product or service can add-value to daily operations then this issue is worth considering. 

Here is a summary of main themes: 
Revenge of the Little Guy
Even as multifamily’s twin 800-lb gorillas – RealPage and Yardi – continue to dominate the market, smaller upstarts are proving they can compete for a spot in the apartment tech tower, while providing operators options that go well beyond “either/or.” 
Data Exchange
With the proliferation of systems across the multifamily industry, it’s clear that today, it’s all about the numbers. Here’s a look at new ways of slicing and dicing the data, the changing landscape of which metrics are important now and the keys to keeping tabs on the competition.
Media Mobilization
The whole world is on the Web, and increasingly, it’s getting access through a handset. Multifamily’s no different. Check out these ways of staying on top of a mobile world, while connecting with residents where they live – online.
Screen Time
Whether it’s weeding out deadbeat skippers who are bringing down your rent roll, or finding the exact right match for that opening in the leasing office, there’s never been a better time for the Big Screen. How you apply it to your business could mean the difference between getting the cream of the crop or bottom fishing. 

Closing Date: Feb 14, 2012

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